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tv   Prime Interest  RT  July 10, 2013 2:29am-3:01am EDT

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english here in washington d.c. here are the stories we are telling today there's a sea change in the markets that is putting the squeeze on china and other emerging markets not necessarily intentionally that's because when ben finally pulls the plug as he's been signaling those markets get hit hardest we'll be talking about the road in irish banks with reggie middleton a boom bust blog dot com in just a bit. we'll also check out his new google glasses which you said could be bigger than the i phone oh tim cook and speaking of sea changes live or is crossing the pond from the city of london to wall street so nicely your next will cite one of the world's most important interest rates library to which trillions of derivatives are tied so without further ado let's get to what's in your prime interest.
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earlier i talked with reggie middleton owner of the boom bust blog dot com he entered the room wearing a pair of google glasses so i asked him how he got them here's what he said. had a contest i'm not mistaken as a what do you do with glass and they also get with the developers influencers etc i don't know if i fell into the influence of group development or someone who just had fresh and bright ideas hopefully all three. and that was the most likely what gave me the opportunity to progress let me ask about the graz yes i'm so glad i got the grass because. i been very bullish on google and consequently bearish on a lot of their primary can. competitors and to date i've been correct and i think
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that grass is a paradigm shift in mobile computing into a communication basically a game changer you know it's grass to google would be much more than the i phone was to apple i think about the reinvention of the cell phone well let's not talk about yeah let's talk about your bullishness on google is this just a result of these glasses themselves or developing other products that you think could be game changers as well. my boosters on google is not so much a product issue it's a business model issue. for those who follow me through my site through mother appearances i believe google significant misunderstood a lot of people think of google as a tech company that comes out with technology such as android develops things such as you tube it said it was search what google is google is a business model incubator and it's funded through heavy cash flows from the advertising business which is so broad and it's growing faster than the web
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advertising adoption which in of in and of itself says something the funds from this cash flows then go into what is essentially a gigantic venture capital fund you know private equity fund and they take ideas either internally generated or they buy you know small medium sized startups and they nurture them hopefully have them flourish through this business model you've got. to you have android you have several you have google grass and many of these are the top with their industry or field from almost nothing in just a few years and went from less than one percent to over fifty percent and in some cases seventy two percent of the market since two thousand and seven talking about we you know five years phenomenal same thing with you tube you tube is video on the web the grass is the same thing and what google does is google use what i call a negative margin model of cost. model where they say very cool technology and very
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useful services and they offer it for less than free so not only do they that should represent the option but it makes it very difficult for the competitors coming behind them to compete because they can't make money as a matter of fact you have to give the client money to get to know that the service is just to people google google is able to do that because they've taken that to consumer and match it with a natural producer and then they have to cross over to the producer and me from the consumer and you know the result is what you see now in google in android well let me ask you with all this new technology there are several privacy concerns us noted isn't it in the news how do you see google fitting into this privacy landscape. well google i'd call google basically the big brother trade on exchange who is a company that is data driven it's a data company you know their business model as they i see it is basically to be the cake keeper and shepherd of data and information in a way ok that makes them
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a very very powerful company with that being said who would do it somebody else would do it so might have stated before google the privacy concerns you know outed by snow through the n.s.a. etc extremely valid but you know they were there you know there and they say it's a spy agency that's what they do anybody who's concerned about google glass should be concerned about anybody else with a cellphone grasses basically a cell phone in a different form factor anybody's afraid of a cell phone or grass should be free to walk down the street particularly new york city with a camera on every other corner certainly and then there's the united states satellites so probably sees a big issue everybody should be concerned but you should be concerned at. concerned . should because one of the problem and not necessarily a proxy for the problem you know and that's you know new technology etc we have just a couple of minutes left but a lot of these tech companies have been parking money and i are. and i know you've
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made an interesting discovery about allied irish bank and would you like to share that with us right now. allied average bank among other banks even the pristine relatively pristine bank of ireland anglo irish is in my opinion in and i'm not a lawyer so. misrepresenting investors in a public you know it in layman's terms some people considered for the fortunate but quite misrepresent there is quite misrepresenting in both their reporting and their . presentation of health i like irish is insolvent from our perspective they have a large amount of underperforming loans and now performing loans and the under reserve for the on the reserve significantly and on top of that is how does this fit into the rest of europe in other words i know there's an s. and bailout fund and what are they going to do are they going to draw on that and how does that affect the other countries in europe was different to what they're
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going to do but still a couple of observations out allied irish if they were to mark to market has roughly twenty billion dollars or twenty billion dollars hole solvency hole so in order to be fully funded for the provision for underperforming and non-performing loans using their measurements which are most likely you know overly aggressive they are roughly a twenty billion dollar hole to be considered solve it the is set is is roughly sixty five b. and. you why so one bank in a country that represents roughly under two percent progress of the economic activity in all the e.u. would take almost one full third of the bailout fund the e.u. and we hear a lot about bailouts but there are also billions could we see that in europe and could you explain what that is for viewers and how it relates to cyprus well billion is a term where they force the recapitalization from the deposit is versus the tax payers or any other source and. and the layman's term is that you have
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a savings checking account pension fund at a bank and they simply take your money to be capitalized back ok that may seem odd but as a deposit you're basically an investor in a bank very very short term supposedly liquid investment but it's not liquid if you can gain access to even with the new direction of cyprus with insurance insurance is a misnomer first you have to take a look at who's insuring you. if the n.c.v.s. insuring you is that insolvent such as ireland then you. should be sure and city island can't afford to build irish banks which is why they had to go to the e.u. and the troika ok now the political environment for such a bell seems to be a spreadable it's unlikely the germans are going to say ok to another twenty thirty billion dollars bailout for that bank and i have in my side of name five of the banks and insurance companies and also in their issue so we have almost guaranteed most from my perspective my observations of how great it is again with
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capitalization before it's one of the positives. that was the owner of boom bust blog dot com reggie middleton. this week negotiations for the tea temple launched very few are talking about it and it's getting a little media coverage i would bet most of you haven't even heard of so let's break it down the transatlantic trade and investment partnership for short is a trade agreement between the european union and the united states aimed at removing trade barriers to make it easier to buy and sell goods and services but we in the e.u. and the u.s. this is a very large trade agreement one of the biggest in history it is a result of the world trade organization to go. following through in the so called
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the web development agenda the u.s. refused to eliminate agricultural subsidies while india and africa is facing suppressed cotton prices the u.s. has been stubbornly propping up and farmers this is also a contributing factor to the spike the suicide rates among andean farmers cutting out the problem nations the e.u. and the us are looking to reduce tariffs and subsidies of their choice that distort commerce the e.u. is expecting to benefit by one hundred nineteen billion euros a year and the u.s. is expected to add about a million jobs as a result of the deal along with shaving down tariffs and subsidies the negotiations will include measures to reduce inconsistency and u.s. and e.u. regulations but entrusting li anough the white house is insisting that dodd frank is not included in the transatlantic talks however wall street and european finance ministers do want these financial services regulations included senator sherrod
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brown have brought up the point that the industry will use any means necessary to roll back dodd frank which could be accomplished in trade talks that many corporations are largely involved in the u.s. trade representative assured during his senate confirmation that the negotiations would not watered down too big to fail regulations. there's nothing that we are going to do through trade agreement to weaken our financial regulation to roll back to frank or to roll back the efforts of the ministration congress worked on for the last four years to reform our financial regulatory system here and to work with the g twenty and other mechanisms to raise the standards around the world. rules surrounding derivatives trading are some of the most controversial provisions and died for a they fall into multiple jurisdictions and would require international cooperation to be effective the obama administration alleges that the e.u. wants to. softened died for a top u.s.
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official handling the financial services talks so the e.u. is not seeking to weaken its own or the u.s. achievements in developing legislation that strengthens financial stability the negotiations kicked off yesterday in washington d.c. but we're not without their own a drama last week a report was weeks that the u.s. had been spying on the e.u. negotiators edward snowden is the source but believed to have leaked these reports france and germany were outraged and some parliamentarians called for suspension of the talks we've heard before that trade deals are done behind closed doors and largely secret which is a far cry from the standard of democracy and transparency expected from public policy only if you have access to what's going on behind those doors but least you know a little bit more about it. stay tuned because coming up geoffrey tucker night talk about the future of fed policy interest rates and an impossible
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gold standard then i do all of our to correspondent margaret hall over the recent surge in consumer credit.
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it's easy to.
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choose your language. with knowing if. some of. the consents to. the opinions the great. chance to storms could inflict chills access to your officers. with the latest fed meeting minutes being released tomorrow and ben's big speech
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what could be more relevant than some good old fashioned fed talk earlier i spoke with geoffrey tucker executive editor of laissez faire books i asked him about the fed's track record since the financial panic of two thousand and eight here's what he said. since two thousand and eight especially the fed has been unable to manage the money and banking system no matter what they try to do it doesn't behave the way they want it to because there's a medium are really good at printing money but they're not managing it properly. they can take control of the coffers of the banks and that's essentially their job despite all the talk that the fed gives about keeping unemployment low and inflation low and of the main job of the fed is to keep the banking system liquid they can do that very well but they can't control the velocity of money which is a crucial factor in terms of determining moneys value so since two thousand and eight businesses and consumers haven't really cooperated with the fed and things
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about behaved at all the way but i think he imagined they would behave you notice recently we start to see the bernanke is certain to get very worried about the future because we've got to buy consistent it's full of reserves most of them phony of course one of them one point seven trillion dollars of excess reserves what's going to happen with all this money is he going to be able to keep it in you know in quote the system there's no way that he'll be able to pull back from what's already been done because you could say he started sort of pulling there is reserves out you threaten a big recession again and you lead to an instability of the banking system so it will eventually leak out once confidence grows and that will be very bad news for everybody else so prices and consumer prices will start to respond in the ways they have it over the last five years are already a very scary situation are there alternatives of gold is a very popular alternative money system of course we had a gold standard in the past but what about bitcoins i mean what is the future of
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money. i would like to see a future of money which the market was entirely in charge in the same sense that the market managed the shoes and our food supply and computers and software industry it should also be managing money and that include. zeven the creation of money or the production of money itself the trouble with the gold standard and it's you know the gold standard is far preferable to our current system in which central bankers are running the world you know on behalf of the large banks basically but the trouble with the gold standard is that it depends on politicians to implemented you know they have to be ok no we are going clip right the politicians can at the end of the day they can always change the game and that's a problem with public money they've done it already you know they did it in the new deal those collected all the gold back in their eyes change the definition of gold to the dollar and that's the problem with any system that's still in the hands of politicians you know if a high if the end of his life after got the nobel prize in economics so that there's really only one term solution that's
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a total separation of money and banking from from public policy entirely and that's the beauty of things like crypto currency it's trick crypto meaning cryptography meaning that later because he's you know like big clients and they're all they're all clients but decline is sort of the gold a very of a cryptography world right now it relies on a sort of peer to peer system of exchange that doesn't rely on trust of third parties so you don't have to go to any banks or any credit card companies you don't have to trust anybody you just exchange physical property for other physical property it's a distributed network so it can never go down so you can never lose your money at say an open source system so you can always examine the code so you don't have to have you know audit the fed movements or me or anything like that so everything's open source it works it's like the monetary equivalent of really good software like linux or wordpress or something like that and it's suitable to the digital age and it's trying to catch on you know we have to remember that decline was only released
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into the world and two thousand and nine and it was only in february two thousand and eleven that decline achieved dollar parity so you could exchange one big client for one dollar and that defied everybody's expectations nobody expected it would ever get to that point three. i know many many and especially as specially getting to over one hundred forty dollars per bitcoin there's been a lot of volatility though is let me just as you straight out are bitcoins money. so i would say that and a limited sense because they're already money you know whether something serves as money or not is not quite a black and white thing in the history of them evolution of monetary institutions certain commodities gradually become money over time as their use spreads and spreads and spreads so we're starting to see massive use of big claim and places like china where they're just wild typically it's ok but i mean can you pay for your groceries in bitcoins how do you justify that we have
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a cheese that achieved that evolutionary stuff right now why we're so big quins our money right now so i would say that it's just a matter of the development of the institutions i would just give you one example until about two months ago i couldn't go into walmart and used to climb or to target or into a pizza hut mal you can and so you must social where it is right yeah well what made the difference well it's a special application you know so that you have you know about occasion go through the gift app you know now you can purchase. get certificates from the stores with decline it just takes a second and they use a gift certificate in the store that's one step removed but it allows you to stay completely away from government money and just buy what you need use and because that's a huge step in other parts of the world because they are enormously valuable in argentina for example you can pay all your rants and buy homes and cars and everything crime where big clues really popular is where the money has really
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really failed government money and surely fails americans have the kind of luxury of having a relatively stable currency you know the dollar and in terms of all the bad currencies in the world is probably one of the least bad for now so we see less demand. but in other places like latin america and africa former soviet republics and china all over the far east big client is growing in popularity all the time because because transactions trees are minimal and being nonexistence it's super secure you know and you can really trade this physical property in a matter of seconds for just a couple of clicks well by bypassing the entire banking system. that was jeffrey tucker the executive editor of laissez faire books.
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all right welcome to the daily deal margaret margaret how you for having me all right let's just jump into our first story according to the washington post america is starting to really leverage itself that's the implication of new data out monday afternoon that shows that consumer credit cards auto loans student loans basically every form of debt other than mortgages is rising by leaps and bounds now according to the federal reserve muddly with monthly report consumer debt rose nineteen point six billion dollars in may and eight point three percent annual rate so if that rate continues to increase and sustain it what made extra two hundred thirty five billion dollars what do you what do you see this trend as meaning you know bob i think that neil irwin article he is right unfortunately because we are a consumer driven economy i wish you weren't right unfortunately he is you know
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that two hundred thirty five billion it's being pumped back into the u.s. economy of course that stat but it means jobs are very can see an outlook that you know i mean i'm just calling it like i see it bob you have you have to have jobs in this economy and consumer we are in a consumer driven market you know we have to have jobs where those jobs come. from recently they're coming from the housing and who's blowing this latest housing bubble it's the federal reserve it's only because we're keeping interest rates artificially low over this long period of time that we're seeing this latest rise in consumer spending and it's not a good thing you know why because look these rates are going to go up and they're not going to be able to pay off people are not going to be able to pay off their debts they're going to default and we're going to have another day leveraging cycle like we saw in two thousand and five you're not getting any argument from me there i think my grandmother could do a better job at managing the fat and no question about it but we're in this hole already going to be a grandmother you know i mean i said sure and this is her woman lady if she would be better at this because it's simple you don't spend money you don't have to import as we all know we're already in a hole the only medicine that we have is to keep spending or we're going to
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collapse like we did two thousand ok but if i what point is that stuff if the only medicine we have is keep spending and spending and spending ultimately you're going to prolong the pain you're going to have a greater crash than you would have otherwise if you just take your medicine right now you could we could leverage our debt i mean you're the we are looking at here i mean you know i don't i don't know if i'm assuming that term deal leveraging it's a company that attempts to download its bank she they get rid of their debt they say well it's ok a deliberate jane cycle is when you have for instance a seven hundred trillion dollars derivatives market that just collapses in and of itself people default on their loans people default on other things corporates default on their and you know what it causes a cascading reaction throughout the entire economy and if it's not managed properly and otherwise in other words if it's inflated too quickly into fast in the first place it can't be managed and that's the ultimate problem here ok about so meals not right what should we be doing i mean i mean we've got to spend i'm telling you until it's the system that they need to change not the fact that people are getting
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to debt to sustain that middle class you have to have debt there's just no way around it i don't see it that way i think you can have debt but it has to be accompanied by wealth creation and that's one of the things that we haven't seen i'm going to reiterate this point we have not seen true wealth creation over the last four or five years it's. an artificial g.d.p. is gamed ok price inflation really is overstated and i think more understated rather so i think we're going to see a greater pain in the end just because of all of this ok well economist richard well my colleague pointed out he calls this a crisis of capitalism but until you fix the system i'm sorry my friend i mean we don't how do we don't have a capitalistic system we have crony capitalism you might be right on that you might be right on that ok so let's take the argument to a different place should we be paying higher wages maybe not so concerned with the data are we going to get a minimum wage you know just people without it by then it was i mean come on what's the ideal minimum wage a million dollars two million dollars to twenty an hour i think would be ok good so i've just found another central planning there are actually i think you're smarter
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than the rest of the. hour i hope you're right if you've ever thank you for joining me on the door here as well if you want to weigh in on today's show be sure to like us on facebook at facebook dot com slash prime interest you can for all of margaret maggie how r.t. and you can follow me at english p.d.i. thank you for joining us. oh guess what it was a vagabond day here at prime interest first we hitched a ride on the live board juggernaut landed on wall street only to find the real action was in the brits in ireland after donning some google glasses in new york city with reggie middleton we looked across the atlantic to break down that
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particular partnership not liking what we saw we took a trip in our car down i ninety five to d.c. right here to spy on our favorite chairman seems he's up to his old tricks finally we hiked the mountain of consumer debt with margaret howell only to find a. full of untenable obligations well guess what our legs are tired so we're going to go rest no thanks for watching and make sure to come back tomorrow from everyone here a prime interest have a great night. i
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would rather ask questions for people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question more. good
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luck. he'd leave. anything. to teach me.
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a russian team uncovers evidence of alleged rebel involvement in a deadly syrian chemical attack while u.s. congress puts the brakes on military aid to the opposition fearing that the weapons may fall into the wrong hands. political forces fail to agree on a transitional plan while prices convulsions and what used to be a popular tourist destination are turning visitors away feeling a heavy blow to. edward snowden reportedly leans towards venezuela for asylum. foreign minister on the reasons behind the latin america's backing for whistleblowers on the run.


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